Criminal Law

Facing criminal charges in Maryland can be overwhelming and leave you feeling lost in an unfamiliar legal landscape. Understanding the basics of criminal law, your rights, and when to seek an experienced attorney is crucial to protecting your future.

What is Criminal Law?

Criminal law encompasses offenses deemed harmful to society and punishable by the state. In Maryland, criminal offenses range from misdemeanors, often carrying lesser penalties like fines, to felonies, potentially resulting in significant jail time and long-term consequences.

Common Types of Criminal Cases in Maryland:

  • Theft: Stealing or attempting to steal property belonging to another.
  • Assault and Battery: Threatening or causing physical harm to another person.
  • DUI/DWI: Driving under the influence of alcohol or drugs.
  • Drug Possession or Distribution: Unlawful possession or distribution of controlled substances.
  • Domestic Violence: Crimes involving violence or threats of violence within a household or intimate partnership.
  • Traffic Violations: Moving violations and other offenses related to operating a vehicle.

The Core Principles:

1. Presumption of Innocence: You are presumed innocent until proven guilty beyond a reasonable doubt. The burden of proof rests with the prosecution, not the accused.

2. Due Process: You have fundamental rights throughout the legal process, including the right to:

  • Remain silent
  • An attorney
  • A fair and speedy trial

3. Elements of a Crime: For a conviction to occur, the prosecution must prove every element of the specific crime you are accused of, beyond a reasonable doubt.

Common Misconceptions:

  • Silence is an admission of guilt: You have the right to remain silent, and exercising this right does not imply guilt.
  • Minor offenses have no consequences: Even misdemeanors can carry significant penalties, including fines, driver’s license suspension, and employment limitations.
  • Police can search freely: Law enforcement requires probable cause to conduct a search. Understanding your rights in such situations is crucial.

Understanding Your Rights:

The Fifth and Sixth Amendments to the US Constitution guarantee specific rights to individuals facing criminal charges, including:

  • Right to remain silent: You have the right to not answer questions from law enforcement without an attorney present.
  • Right to an attorney: You have the right to legal counsel throughout the criminal justice process.
  • Right to a fair trial: You are entitled to a fair and impartial trial by a jury of your peers.
  • Illegal Search and Seizure: You are protected against unreason searches and seizures.

When to Seek Legal Help:

While navigating the legal system can seem daunting, seeking legal counsel is crucial in various situations, including:

  • If you are arrested or charged with a crime: The Law Office of Phillip Corey Levin, can advise you of your rights, represent you in court, and negotiate with prosecutors on your behalf.
  • If you are questioned by law enforcement: Having an attorney present can ensure your rights are protected and that you do not unintentionally incriminate yourself.
  • If you are facing serious charges: The potential consequences of serious criminal convictions (felonies) are substantial, making legal representation even more crucial.

Benefits of Hiring a Criminal Defense Attorney:

  • Knowledge of the Law: Attorneys understand complex criminal laws and procedures, ensuring your case is handled correctly. Our Firm wants to help you.
  • Protection of Your Rights: Phillip Levin will advocate for your rights and ensure you are treated fairly throughout the legal process.
  • Strategic Guidance: Attorney Levin advise you on the best course of action, considering your specific circumstances and potential outcomes.
  • Negotiation and Communication: Phillip Corey Levin can negotiate with prosecutors and represent you effectively in court.

Disclaimer: This is for informational purposes only and does not constitute legal advice. Always consult with a qualified criminal defense attorney for personalized guidance.

Remember: Understanding your rights and seeking legal counsel are vital steps in navigating the complexities of Maryland’s Criminal Justice System.